
Ulrikke Falch is a highly talented young Norwegian actress who was both born and raised in Oslo. She is most famous for her role as Vilde Lien Hellerud in SKAM, but the past year she has become increasingly known as a girl who is not a afraid to raise her voice regarding important female related society issues.

Ulrikke Falchs private Instagram pictures

Her Instagram account has more than 1 million followers, thereby making her an important role model for girls and women all around the world. Recently she posted a You Tube video where she talks against thinspiration which so far has been seen by 50k people. She is brave, fierce, weird, funny, inspiring, honest and remarkably extraordinaire.

Ulrikke, thank you being such an important voice! Thank you for standing up for things that really matter! Thank you for being you! You are enough and you are beautiful, inside and out.



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